On Suprasubjective Existence in Mathematics


DOI: http://doi.org/10.26333/sts.xxxii2.05



SU M M A R Y: The professional mathematician is a Platonist with regard to the existence of mathematical entities, but, if pressed to tell what kind of existence they have, he hides behind a formalist approach. In order to take both attitudes into account in a possibly serious way, the concept of suprasubjective existence is proposed. It involves intersubjective existence, plus a stress on objectivity devoid of actual objects. The idea is illustrated, following William Byers, by the phenomenon of the rainbow: it is not an object but can be said to possess a subjective objectivity.

Stanisław Krajewski

University of Warsaw

Institute of Philosophy

E-mail: stankrajewski@uw.edu.pl

ORCID: 0000-0002-1142-8112

PDF (English)


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