Guest editor:
Małgorzata Gamrat

Deadline for submissions:
the end of January 2025


Studia Semiotyczne (Semiotic Studies) invites submissions for a special issue of the journal. Papers should be written in English and prepared for blind review.

Art can reflect reality, describe it appropriately, comment on it, or even create its reality. It contributes to the creation of the multiverse, multi-reality, and the perception of reality in many layers. This applies to each field of art – from the most traditional ones (related to word, sound, or image) to the most recent multi- and transmedial. Art is also a tool for interpersonal communication, often using signs and symbols as the basic element that serves, among other things, to respond to reality. For this reason, semiotics is an excellent tool for examining works of art, regardless of the field to which they belong. I propose a common reflection on those topics and search the response to the following questions:

  1. Which means are used in the different arts to react to, describe, and create reality?
  2. Which codes are used by artists to present reality?
  3. How do arts / artists describe reality?
  4. How do codes and signs function in artistic reality?
  5. Which tools do semiotics offer us for the research into these topics?

The suggested length of the text is approximately 6000-9000 words.

Please submit your articles before the end of January 2025 to both email addresses: Małgorzata Gamrat: and Dominik Dziecic: