Causal Theory of Metaphor and Donald Davidson’s Philosophical System
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literal meaning
metaphorical meaning
metaphorical truth
theory of truth
truth conditions



The aim of the paper is to analyze, clarify and explain Donald Davidson’s causal theory of metaphor form the viewpoint of his philosophical views which constitute coherent philosophical system comprising not only semantics and theory of interpretation, but epistemology, theory of action, and theory of rationality as well. Proposing his own theory of metaphor Davidson did not refer to his philosophy, and justified his rejection of the notions of metaphorical meaning and metaphorical truth on the ground of common, pre-theoretical views on meaning and other semantic notions. I argue that the causal theory of metaphor fits perfectly Davidson’s philosophical system and from the point of view of his system it is easy to explain the role of metaphor not only in literature and poetry, but in sciences, law, religion, and social sciences.

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