The Structure of Sender’s Acts of Communicative Reference
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communicative reference
semantic reference
communication paths
communication gates
act in-reading the world in addressee
act of in-reading the world in addressee



The article presents a model of the structure of the act of communicative reference from the sender’s point of view. The foundation of the act of communicative reference includes two acts: the act of semantic reference to the addressee and the act of in-reading the world into the addressee (assigning him the role of the recipient). Both acts are coupled together by an act of metareference, thanks to which Quine’s effect of referential indeterminacy disappears. The act of metareference is evoked by the act of assigning oneself the role of sender. This act is caused by the act of in-reading the world into the addressee. The function of the act of metareference is to “execute” the fusion of the two acts. Over the act of in-reading the world into the recipient, there is founded the act of locating him in the world in which the sender locates himself. The act of establishing communication paths binding the sender with the recipient is based on the act of locating the receiver in the world. Depending on the type of an act of locating the recipient in the world, the constituted communication paths can belong to three categories: completed and single-ray, completed and multi-ray, open and multi-ray. The type of communication path determines the type of physical bond binding the sender with the world in-read into the recipient. The act of typifying the recipient is based on the act of semantic reference. The act of typifying the recipient and the act of in-reading the world into are the foundational basis for the act of constituting communication gates in the world in-read into the recipient. The gates established by the sender determine the expected way of acknowledging the receipt of the transmission of messages sent on a specific topic and in the expected way. Thanks to all these acts, the sender establishes the recipient’s typification metric, i.e., the way in which the recipient appears to the sender in the transmitting act of communicative reference.

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